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Energy Medicine Research Foundation


Pathogen - Inhimmunizer

Energy Medicine's Inhimmunizer ( Inhibitor + Immunizer) a dual response to the pathogens, involves connecting to a person’s biological information to give personalized  àCqua therapy  treatment at the genetic level tailored to the person's and their individual needs and risks.

àCqua therapy 

àCqua therapy involves the changing of the molecular structure of water by entraining and the right dose of this entrained water works as a medicinal substance to enable a therapeutic change in Human Physiology

Siddhartha Mukherjee  writes in The Gene - an intimate history  - "Stripped to its bare essence a medicinal chemical, a drug is nothing more than a molecule that enables a therapeutic change in Human Physiology . Medicines can be simple Chemicals - water in the right context and at the right dose is a potent drug

The above explains the essence of àCqua therapy within Energy Medicine in a Nut shell. 

Why the need for an Inhimmunizer ?
Click here

the àCqua therapy 
& manageable diseases / disorders 

How Does the Inhimmunizer Work
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Click here to know more on how the Inhimmunizer works 

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